+ Create your daily practice (I like to recommend making a master list of the top activities that make you feel best, then using your intuition every day to decide what you most need that particular day!)

  • How can you make self-care a priority for the rest of 2018?

+ Define your business idea 

  • What are you selling? Why is it so important? How is it going to help the world? What message is it going to share?

  • Even if you already have a business, is there anything that needs to be shifted that is no longer serving you or your ideal clients? Could you add in a new product or service?

+ Set your intentions for this program and commit to showing up for yourself

+ Set your intentions for the rest of 2018!

+ Write out your 1 year vision (be specific and don't hold back!!)

+ Create clarity your core values and non-negotiables and write them out

  • What are you not willing to do as a business owner?

  • What are you committing to doing that you won’t let anyone/anything talk you out of?

+ Based on your desires, goals and core values, how can you run a business that's reflective and incorporative of these?

  • Are you working 4 hours a week or 40+?

  • Are you working locally or online?

  • Will you have a team or work on your own?

+ What is your biz blueprint for 2018/2019?

  • What does your biz look like? - be as specific as you can without overthinking it (** take note of any intuitive ideas that come up **)

+ Who do you see yourself helping?

+ Write out your business, income and lifestyle goals for 2019 (3 for each)

+ What is the first step you are taking toward each of those goals? (schedule them in your calendar to help hold you accountable and remind you!)

+ "what would you have me do exercise" - in a meditation, visualize what you want 2019 to look like. When you're ready to come out of it, ask your higher self/The Universe, "what would you have me do?" write ANYTHING that comes up!