+ Complete all workbooks and trainings

+ Get clear on the biggest obstacles to your ultimate success thus far. Are they fear-based? Are they excuses? Doubts? An outdated belief pattern? Something else?

+ Get comfortable using Ho’oponopono to clear and release whenever you experience a negative/upsetting/limiting thought/situation. Repeat it several times in your mind or out loud.

+ Start building your trust muscle! Go out on a whim, do something you’ve never done, and watch how the Universe responds. Let your trust be stronger than your fear!

+ Get comfortable using the affirmations whenever you need some encouragement or positive input

+ Lovingly call yourself out when you are self-sabotaging yourself. What’s the most loving choice you can make instead?

+ Use your core values to make all of your decisions for the next week to get comfortable with the process. Everything from what to make for dinner to what topic to write your blog post about should be selected with your core values in mind. i.e. Ask yourself, “will this get me closer or take me further from my values, from pursuing my highest purpose, and from living my deepest truths?”

+ Practice using the reprogramming process as outdated thoughts come up!

+ Be sure to have all questions/topics you need support with prepared for our call!