Squarespace Website Tutorial


+ Complete all workbooks & trainings

+ Start implementing the branding foundations into all your business elements. How can you apply these foundations to any social media content you’re already posting? Into your website as you build it? Into your logo/colors as you develop them? Anything else?

+ Watch the Squarespace website tutorial and take notes - this training is jam packed (even if you decide to use a different website provider)! Use the workbook to guide you as well as you start to design your site

+ Listen to the language audio and pay attention to how you speak to/about yourself over the next week. Are there any other disempowering words you use? Start to shift them!

+ Refer to the empowered AF mantras whenever you’re getting uncomfortable, stepping into new levels, etc. Use them as a reminder of your inherent, infinite power

+ Tap into the mindset work. Notice when non-supportive beliefs arise and take yourself through the processes laid out in the workbook to raise your consciousness and adopt more supportive beliefs. Do NOT bypass this work. This is extremely important work to ensure you can energetically hold greater levels of success, abundance, leadership, etc.

+ After completing the authenticity workbook, become aware of where you aren’t showing up authentically in your life (business-wise or otherwise). What is preventing you from showing up as YOU? What false “identities” are you carrying? What “shoulds” are you buying into? I invite you to journal on the following: “Who are you REALLY? Stripped down to your soul essence. Without your job, material possessions, friends, romantic partner, family, accomplishments, bank account, lifestyle, past experiences, etc.” Check out this meditation to experience the real “you,” free of ego identification (starts about 4 mins into the video). How can you step even just 10% more fully into YOU? Try 1% if 10% feels like too much.

+ Keep up the amazing work :)