+ Complete all workbooks & trainings
+ If you decide to create a blog, draft out your first few posts. I challenge you to publish one this week! Post it to your website, send it out to your new email list, & share it on socials!
+ If you decide to start a podcast, start getting the foundations in place - topic ideas, show name, guest ideas, music selection, etc. I’ll be the first to admit that there is a LOT of groundwork in getting a podcast launched, but the ongoing work doesn’t have to be so bad. I suggest batching interviews if you decide to have guests (it’s really easy to get behind).
+ Create any new social media accounts you’re drawn to and start posting authentic content!
+ Listen to the audio training and start your own, private FB group if you feel called to it! If you don’t want your own group, you can start posting in other people’s established FB groups to leverage their audiences!
+ Take yourself through the “Get Out of Your Own Way” workbook and really get honest about where you have blind spots/are self-sabotaging. How can you live more in alignment with your core values? How can you rely even more on your spiritual connection to support you in low/painful/hopeless/uncomfortable times?
+ You are AMAAAAZING. Keep going! Love you!