A Look Inside My #HighVibe Daily Practice

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Hey Gorgeous!

I've been feeling called to spill the tea on my #dailypractice. Today I want to give you an honest look into my favorite rituals in hopes that it can inspire you to make the most out of your routines!

I'm gonna waste no time today, let's just jump right in! Here is what a typical morning looks like for me...

+Wake up naturally (one of the best parts of being an entrepreneur is being freed from alarm clocks!)

+Make myself a glass of hot lemon water (can't start the day without a little detox, right?)

+Grab a couple crystals that I'm drawn to that day and get into a meditation. I usually like to burn palo santo or sage to set the mood as well. I typically sit for about 20 minutes, focusing on my breath and bodily sensations.

+As a yoga teacher, I love to start the mornings with some gentle stretching and a few sun salutations to get my blood flowing. 

+Make a next-level breakfast! I'm a health and wellness freak, so I've tried many different diets over the years. At this time in my life, the two best diets for me are paleo and vegan. I usually try to base my meals around the principles of these diets. Even for breakfast, I'm all about veggies, fruits, healthy fats, and lean proteins. Can you tell I spend a lot of time at Whole Foods? Ha!

+Skincare! I am obsessed with skin care this summer. I've been using way less makeup, so having naturally clear & glowing skin has been essential. My favorite products are hydrating serums, rosewater & glycerin spray, and a jade facial roller.

+Makeup, hair, and outfit! Real talk...when I first started my business, I was the girl who would work in her PJ's until 4 pm and never leave the house. My hair would be a mess and my makeup was nonexistent. I realized that that way of running my business just wasn't aligned with my highest self. I've learned that my vibration increases majorly just by doing some natural makeup, a simple hairstyle, and a cute outfit. Makes me feel SO much more legit as an entrepreneur. 

+Get I N S P I R E D! I love creating a "to-feel" list as opposed to a "to-do" list. If I want to feel abundant, influential, and productive, then I will base my daily tasks around these feelings! Obviously there are certain tasks that you have to get done regardless, but the to-feel list totally changes the energy you bring to even the most mundane tasks! 

+Start working! Sometimes I work from home, other times I prefer to work from a coffee shop, cafe, or library. Another benefit of working for yourself! 

I definitely believe the morning practice is the most powerful, as we are the most impressionable first thing in the morning. Plus, what better time to set the tone for your day than right when you get out of bed? That being said, I also feel it is important to check in with yourself in the afternoon and evening!

My fave ways to re-energize and ground mid-day: Nature walk, a short yoga practice, a healthy lunch, spending time with my dog, listening to music, getting inspired by my favorite social media accounts or podcasts, and reading a good book.

My fave evening rituals: Journaling (I love to either do a structured "gratitude-based" journal entry, or simply let my thoughts from the day flow out of me),  taking a hot shower or bath (I love to get super fancy with it and add some essential oils or bath salts), and spending time connecting with my partner, my family, or close friends (so important for me to get this in as an introvert--I often forget!)

I'm so grateful that having my own business has given me the freedom to embrace my feminine energy every day and make time for my most cherished rituals. I seriously would have killed for this freedom when I was in college and working traditional jobs!

What does your daily practice look like? Are you consistent with it? Do you need to get serious about making your practice a priority?!

If you want more feminine energy in your life & biz, join me this Friday, July 27 at 12 PM EST for a Facebook Live training on tapping into your feminine energy! We'll talk even more about daily practice, using your intuition, taking inspired action, trusting the Universe, and more. It's happening in my private Facebook group, Goddess Brand Collective. You can RSVP to the event here:

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See you there babe!

Kristen XO



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