Hey gorgeous!!
Happy Thursday babe! Hope you're having an amaaaazing week. Because spirituality is a huge part of the work I do in my business, I want to share with you some of my fave spiritual practices at the momement that you can use to take your life & biz to the next level.
Let's jump right in!
Practice #1--Chakra Meditations
Turn your meditation practice up a notch l by incorporating chakra balancing & opening. You can keep it really simple, just spend a few moments on each chakra, breathing into each chakra zone and focusing on opening and releasing tension. You'll feel sooo alive when you're done!
Why it helps your biz...Because most of us have an imbalance (i.e. some chakras are overactive and others are overactive), incorporating chakra balancing practices help get your energy in check. When you have balanced energy, you are equally taking action & spending time to relax and receive, you will be able to create mega results over the long run--without burning out!
Practice #2--Intuitive Movement & Dance
As a Vinyasa yoga teacher and former dancer, there is nothing I love more than to move my body. As I've gotten older, my favorite way to do this is to "flow"--in other words, play music, come to my yoga mat, and see what happens.
I use intuitive movement whenever I have some major energy that needs to be released. Especially after a long day, I don't want to have to follow rules or perfect alignment; I just want to move. So freeing!
Why it helps your biz...This practice is incredible for unleashing your creativity. By letting your guard down and tapping into your body, you allow your most creative energy to flow without any judgement or fear. Use this to help you get your next best business idea!
Practice #3--Money Mindset Work
Working on your money mindset is all about clearing the negative beliefs and stories you have about money. These often include ideas about there being a lack of money available, about money making people greedy or selfish, and about money requiring hard work or large sacrifices to earn.
While these often come from childhood or past life experiences, it's likely they are still holding you back and blocking you today! Mindset work is all about replacing these old stories and beliefs with new, empowering ones.
Spend a few minutes journaling about money...What stories do you have about it? Do you think having more money would make you a worse person? Do you feel like you'll never have enough? If you were dating money, would you say you were in an abusive relationship?
Then, see if you can start to see that these stories may not be as true as you once thought they were. Can you forgive yourself for holding on to these outdated beliefs for so long and lovingly write new stories?
Why it helps your biz...By having a positive relationship with money, you open yourself up to receive & naturally attract all the abundance--that means more clients, more product sales, more time in your schedule, etc. Who doesn't want all that...right?!
It's been craaaazy to see how simple spiritual practices can create major shifts in life & business. By incorporating these practices into your life, you can literally become more successful by working less.
Hope these tips were helpful!
Love you gf!
Xo Kristen
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