Hey gorgeous!
While mercury retrogrades can be crazy intense/confusing when it comes to communication and technology, they always seem put me in a reflective place. I could say a million negative things about mercury retrogrades, but I must admit that I love having the space and inspiration to reflect on my life a few times a year.
The most recent retrograde (which just ended Sunday!) brought up a lot of thoughts about my mindset...Boy I have come such a long way when it comes to mindset! Even just 1 year ago, my mindset was eff'd up.
These are just some of the thoughts I used to have on a daily basis...
"I'm not ready for...."
"That will never happen for me"
"People will judge me!"
"I have to work HARD & feel STRESSED to be successful"
"I can't spend my money because I'm too scared I'll never get it back"
"The Universe hates me"
"It's too late for me & it will never be the right time"
It is SO frustrating to be in a place where there are things you want/desires your heart craves, but your mind is able to talk you out. I cannot even tell you how happy I am that I was able to work through some of my limiting beliefs and toxic mindset patterns.
Here are my BEST mindset hacks for aspiring entrepreneurs:
Growth Mindset If you are someone who's always saying "I'm not ready yet" or "it's just not the right time," the best thing you can do is to simply start before you are ready and trust that you have the potential to evolve & perfect over time. Otherwise, you'll always just be waiting!
Take a Daily Action If you find yourself procrastinating on your goals/dreams due to your fears & limiting beliefs, try committing to taking one action every day that will move you closer to your big goals. Don't go easy on yourself here, you only have to commit to one action per day...no excuses!
Trust in Your Desires We don't want things just to want them. Our desires are powerful--in fact, they are meant to ultimately lead us to our life purpose (s). If you want to start a business, don't question if it's right for you or not. If you desire it, you are meant to have it! This also means that you don't have to worry about failure or judgement when it comes to your dreams, because your desires are part of a divine path--You will be supported and protected through them!
Vocabulary Detox Have you ever heard the saying, "where your attention goes, energy flows?" The same is true regarding your language. What self-sabotaging/low-vibration language are you using? Examples include never, can't, not enough, I should be..., I won't be..., etc. Essentially, take out the words and phrases that tell you your negative circumstances are permanent/out of your control.
If you can start to up-level your mindset, your whole world can change. Trust me...
Sending love beauty!
Xo Kristen
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