Are you saying "no" to money?


Hey gorgeous!

So real talk - Are you the type of person that always feels like you never have enough money? Do you feel like no matter what you do, you always wish there was more money coming in? Maybe you wonder how wealthy people cracked the code and wonder why you haven’t seemed to get so lucky?

First of all, if this is you right now, I feel you! I think we’ve all felt like this on some level/at one point or another. While feeling like this has its time and place, I want you to know that at the end of the day, money is energy….there, I said it. Assuming this is true, the better our energy is, the more effortlessly we’ll be able to attract money into our lives.

This is the catch: even if you’re energy is overall good, there may be some simple ways you have been blocking money from coming in (in other words, saying “no” to money!).

Here are some simple ways you can start saying “hell YES” to money coming your way:

  1. If you see loose change, always pick it up! - When you see money (yes, even on the ground outside) it’s time to start accepting it. Every time you decline money, even just a penny, you tell the Universe that you don’t need it. This also goes for gifts…if someone offers you a gift of money, be willing to lovingly accept it. Accept all the money that comes your way!

  2. Show your money respect - Keep you wallet tidy, organize your bank accounts, and show gratitude for your money as it’s coming in and as it is flowing out.

  3. Stop making negative conclusions about your relationship with money - Saying that you “aren’t good with money” or “aren’t smart enough to make money” will energetically block money from coming your way. How could you step into the person that is good with money or is smart/successful enough to receive it? Where is money coming in already that you could turn your attention to instead of where it’s not?

Opening yourself up to receive money in little, everyday ways is powerful. Doing this every day will eventually add up, showing the Universe that you are serious about calling in an abundant flow of funds.

Money is a tool that we are all worthy of receiving to help us live our most fulfilling, purposeful lives. It’s time to stop saying “no” to money by energetically blocking it.

Sending you my most abundant vibes today!

Xo Kristen