I didn't think I could have it "that good"


I want to be honest...

There was a time where I would see incredible women online living the life I deep down so desperately wanted.

I was [just slightly] obsessed and couldn't help but surround my social feed and inbox with these women. 

I would consume all the content of theirs I could...the free webinars, the Youtube videos, the blog posts, the Facebook lives, the Instagram photos...

I loved that they were turning their passions into businesses and making huge impacts and good money while doing it. 

What got me the most was that you could tell these women felt good too. Like, they literally glowed from the inside out.

The businesses they had created gave them time and money to eat healthfully, workout, have thriving social lives, travel the world, relax, sleep--basically do #allthethings we all dream of!

My imagination would start to run wild. I'd see myself living the life all these women were living and my heart would start beating a little bit faster.

I genuinely got so excited seeing that vision of myself!

But, like clockwork, I'd shortly after shut it all down. 

The truth is that at the time I believed I didn't get to have it that good.

"That life" was for some other woman (it sure as hell wasn't for me). 

I had a habit of accepting that life just couldn't feel easy or be truly amazing for me. I would have to work hard and feel stressed and overworked only to settle for an okay job, an okay income, an okay life... 

I figured that if things had never been that good in the past, why would anything change now? 

But that's just it--your past only dictates as much of your future as you allow it to. 

You get to decide if you're going to let your past haunt you or inspire you to change. 

You also get to decide that you are ready to become the woman who has it all...the business, the income, the impact...but also the freedom, the health, the happiness. 


In fact, this is the real you, who you truly are deep down. Becoming this woman is simply about clearing out all the BS that ever told you otherwise so you can embody her energy step into her life once and for all. 

Stepping into this version of yourself is exactly what my signature 1:1 coaching program, Inspired Business, is all about. 

Over 4 months together, we'll spend time doing the deep personal development work...getting you aligned with your most authentic self/voice, healing your mindset (rewriting the deep rooted beliefs that have consistently held you back), and up-leveling your energy to you can start to embody the life/woman/boss babe you're destined to be. 

The best part? I also give you all the tangible actions in depth...the high-level strategies, the proven systems, and the best approaches to actually run your business (that means building a website, creating a brand, launching a product/service, marketing yourself online, etc).

Whether you don't even have an idea yet, or you've had something in the works for several months, this program will support you right where you are. 

All the details are here.

The overarching method used in this program (I call it the "Goddess Business Method!") is the same method that allowed me to: 
+ Finally choose myself, cut the BS, & launch a business that I'm insanely proud of
+ Generate revenue within the first month of launching my coaching program
+ Double my prices and cut my work week in half
+ Sign high level, dream clients that are excited to work with me
+ Travel when I want (just got back from LA & am headed to Europe in May!)
+ Live life on my own terms (I don't sacrifice feeling good, getting sleep, eating healthfully, having a social life, or working out because I no longer work a job/live a life that sucks the soul out of me) 

Right now there are payment plans + early sign up discounts and bonuses (over $600 in value!) + three levels of support (that means something for you no matter where you are in life or how much time/money you have ATM). 

You can legit start the program for as little as $197 right now depending on which level you choose. 

If there is another program out there that offers this much value, with such such a powerfully unique approach, for such a good price, I definitely haven't seen it...LOL!

If you're feeling called to join Inspired Business, click below to book a free alignment call with me.

These calls are fun and pressure-free girl! We'll spend our time getting crystal clear on your dream life vision, outlining the top actions you need to take to create the high vibe biz you deserve, and determining if this program can support you to reach your life/biz goals over the next few months! 

It's time to stop convincing yourself that you can't have it "that good.”

You are so worthy of having a life that feels good and totally lights your soul on fire.

If it's something you desire, it is 100% meant for you and 100% possible for you. 

Can't wait to see the woman/life/biz you step into!

Sending love,

Xo Kristen 

P.S. Book your free alignment call with me by this Friday! I'll tell you how to get over $600 in bonuses & show you how Inspired Business can totally transform your life over the next few months. You in?!