In this episode, I share space with a soul sister, Ariela HaLevi, who is a master healer & the co-founder of Soul Centered. Join us for a deep exploration of the cycle of death & rebirth so many of us seem to be moving through right now.
The grieving process of shedding old aspects of self as we awaken to who we really are
Our personal experiences with loss, pain, fear, & uncertainty this season
The beauty in remaining open through periods of dark night of the soul
Giving up control & surrendering it all to God/Source
Lessons from nature - how life is always guiding & teaching us
Ariela HaLevi is a Master Healer specializing in Intuitive Healing, Kabbalah Healing, Energy Medicine Healing and Ancestral Healing, empowering people through learning the language of their heart, healing their wounds, and living the magic of their soul. By connecting to your ancestors, accessing your guides, and healing the relationship with your deceased loved ones, you can heal your past, release your karmic energy and live an authentic, inspired and beautiful life. Ariela holds a monthly complimentary healing circle on zoom, and sees clients one on one in single and monthly sessions.