Ep. 4 Emily Miotto - Part 1, All about theta healing + accessing the root of limiting beliefs

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This week on the show we have the intuitive Goddess, Emily Miotto. Emily is such a beautiful light and it was such an honor to have her on the podcast. We talked about so many things, I actually decided to split our episode into two parts. Here’s what we cover this week for part I:

+ Cultivating your ultimate daily practice 

+ All about theta healing & how it allows you to access the true root of limiting beliefs (the limiting belief you think you have actually has several underlying subconscious beliefs that are holding it in place) 

+ Acting out of love vs. fear

+ Turning off autopilot to get really intentional in your day to day

+ So much more!


> Shop the mindfulness technology called Oasis Pro by Mind Alive here.

> Hypnosis mentioned is called Quantum Healing Hypnosis



Emily is a Theta Healer and spiritual meditation coach. Through energy healing, soul discovery and meditative practices, she discovered that her soul purpose is to help others empower their life.  She is here to help you heal your inner child, shine your authentic gifts through soul discovery and discover a grateful and aligned life to be excited for! She works you to balance your chakras, change your mindset, and heal through changing your limiting beliefs.


WEBSITE: http://www.emspath.com/

NSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/ems_path/