On July 1, we will already be halfway through 2018! Can you believe how fast this year has gone?! I just got off a call with my mastermind sisters where we thought about where we wanted to be by 2019 in our life & business. We also did a visualization to tap into what the super high-vibe, 2019 version of ourselves looks like. It was so powerful that I want to extent this question to you: if your life were to stay exactly as it is now in the next six months, would you be satisfied?
Before I started my business, my coach asked me the same question. My response was "hell no I wouldn't be satisfied!" She told me my answer said it all--if I didn't act right away, I would always be left unsatisfied and unfulfilled in my life.
So, I 'ripped the band-aid off' and started my business. I was scared #AF but I moved forward anyways, knowing that whatever happened, I would be moving closer to my highest self.
When it was all said and done, I couldn't believe I spent more than two years wanting to start, but always finding a way to talk myself out of it...it all ended up being way way less scary than I thought it would be!
The best part? Things can changed quickly when you start taking action. The clients start rolling in, your audience grows, you plan exciting trips, you work for yourself...whatever you desire becomes SO possible!
If you answered "no," that you wouldn't be satisfied if your life stayed exactly how it is now by the end of the year, I invite you to try one of my favorite visualization exercises.
Your January 1, 2019 Dream Life Visualization:
Journal on the following...
- What are the top 3 emotions you feel? Excited? Expansive? Abundant? Worthy? Rich? Inspiring?
- What do you look like? Are you wearing nicer clothes? Are you healthy? Are you in better shape? Are you resting & taking better care of yourself?
- What are you doing for work? Are you working on a special project? Working with dream clients? Creating a social media following?
- Who are you interacting with? Are you in a romantic relationship? Who do you engage with for work? Have you up-leveled your friendships?
- What does your typical day look like? How many hours are you working? What are you doing for pleasure/fun?
- How are you able to create an impact? Are you able to donate more money? Inspire others through your work? Do you have more time to take care of your family/children?
- What is your biggest achievement of 2018? What are you most proud of yourself for?
The more specific you can be with your answers, the better! Write it all out and then imagine you are this woman right NOW...it feels so exciting!
Okay so seriously, why wait another second to claim the life you deeply desire? What can you release so you can be your highest self by the end of the year? Let's make these next six months impactful, shall we?
Here for you and excited for your #bestlife!
Kristen XO
P.S. If you're ready to cut the B.S. & start your business so you can be sure your 2019-self will be proud, join my FREE challenge, 'Launch Your Spiritual Biz' happening all next week! I'm sharing everything you need to know to start your business this summer, from coming up with your #money-making idea to working with your dream clients. I'll be sharing more details in an email this Thursday, but if you're a fast-action woman, sign up now! You'll have a chance to win a free coaching call with me!
Ready to ditch your soul-sucking job & fall in-love with your life?
Enter your details to get instant access to my free workbook, 'Hot Mess to Spiritual Boss Babe.' I'm spilling the top 3 secrets to creating an aligned AF business in just a few weeks!