I hear so many women say that they want to start a business, but feel stuck because they aren’t sure what they would sell. They say things like “there’s nothing unique about me” or “I can’t offer anything that people would want to pay money for.”
In all honesty, this way of thinking is total BS. What I’m here to tell you, is that everyone has something unique about them, something special to share, and something other people would pay to have. I like to call this your superpower.
Here’s the catch…I can almost guarantee you are already using your superpower to help others, but you’re doing it for FREE. Most people have been using their natural gifts and abilities so regularly and have become so comfortable using it, that they assume everyone else has it too. This is totally not the case!!
My question to you, is why the hell are you still offering it for free? Wouldn’t a perfect business be to get paid to offer the one thing you can do better than anyone else?!
I know for me, I had been coaching others in various ways since I was in elementary school. When I grew up and learned all-things yoga, spirituality, personal development, and business, I knew I had to start getting paid to coach…and that is exactly how Goddess Brand Co. [A.K.A. the platform where I offer spiritually-centered + aligned af business coaching] was born!
My top tip to figure out what the hell your superpowers are: Ask your best friends, closest co-workers, and family members what they always come to you for help with. You can ask questions like…
“What is the #1 thing you come to me for as opposed to anyone else?”
“What have I helped you with most since you’ve known me?”
“What do you think I’m better at than anyone else you know?”
“If you had to pay me to help you with ONE thing, what would it be?”
Write down the answers from everyone you ask and notice all the connections. Then, start to piece together how you could actually create a business by using your superpower to solve other people’s pain points. Would you create a luxury product? Offer an exclusive service? Develop a member’s only website? Start a new social media platform? You'll be amazed to find that the things that feel like common-sense to you feel effing revolutionary to others!
I'd LOVE to hear what you come up with! Excited for you!
Kristen XOXO
P.S. Wanna connect with other like-minded, spiritual biz babes? Join my brand new, exclusive group in Facebook. We're sharing support, inspiration, and all the latest tips, tricks, and tools for running successful + aligned businesses. Click HERE to join!
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