MINI PODCAST: Ep. 14 Where's your daily practice at sis?

Hi loves!

There's a new episode of my podcast up today all about daily practice...woop woop!

That's right, I'm getting real about why daily practice is such a crucial part of creating the abundance you desire in your life and business. I'm also calling out all you babes who don't have one yet or do have one but aren't staying consistent with it - because why miss out on something truly magical, right??

Here's what I talk about:
+ What the purpose of a daily practice truly is and how having one connects you to your purpose and keeps you in your highest, most magnetic energy on the daily
+ Why having a daily practice is not a waste of time or just adding another thing to your to-do list (it's actually part of your business, your life vision, you reaching the success/abundance you desire, etc.)
+ How things in my business got wayyy easier for me when I committed to a daily practice
+ PLUS, I give you a sneak peak into my daily practice & share my tips for cultivating one that makes you feel AMAZING!

Go listen and then do your daily practice if you haven't yet today!


Sending massive love,

Kristen xx

P.S. Want this podcast to go official?? If it would help you access these episodes and play them more easily if they were on Itunes/Spotify/Google Play/etc., hit "like" on the bottom of this page so I know!