MINI PODCAST: Ep. 13 Stop caring about how you'll be perceived

Hi angels!

There's a new episode of my podcast up today all about how to stop caring how you'll be perceived.

I see this as probably the #1 thing that holds people back from doing what they're called to. We waste so much energy worrying about others' hypothetical reactions, most of which we'll never have any control over anyway.

We allow this worry to block our power, our wisdom, our purpose, and our soul work from flowing through us and out into the world.

In today's episode, I'm talking about why you worrying about this literally serves NO ONE & how to really release this self-sabotage so you can show up as the freaking GODDESS you're meant to be. You ready??

Here's what I talk about:
+ Why the most loving & productive thing you can do for yourself and the world at large is to stop caring about how you'll be perceived when you speak your truth, share your message, launch your business, start your big project, etc.
+ A perspective shift that will help you gain absolute certainty in your ideas, your message, your purpose, etc.
+ Why it's important to act NOW and stop procrastinating on your big ideas (before the Universe gives your ideas to someone else who will run with them!)
+ PLUS, I talk about moving & how it's been teaching me to stop allowing my environment to limit what I spend my energy on and what I accomplish each day


Enjoy this one!

Kristen xx

P.S. Have a question you want to ask me? DM me on Instagram @iamkristenlynch and ask me ANYTHING about spirituality, personal development, or entrepreneurship and I’ll answer it LIVE next week! Anything from life purpose, to confidence & self-belief, to releasing fear and resistance around taking soul-guided actions, to abundance & creating your best life, to the first steps of building an online business - nothing is off limits!