Hey gorgeous!
I’m sure you’ve seen other women online sharing the excitement of signing high-ticket clients (we’re talking 4k + packages). Ever wondered what you’re doing wrong to not be able to celebrate the same successes?
Truthfully I think every entrepreneur feels this way at one point or another and has these thoughts - What am I not doing right? Is there something wrong with me? Is my business destined to fail? Will I ever get to celebrate signing big clients?
From what I’ve seen in my own experience and my clients’ experiences, there are four really important components to signing higher-ticket clients (that probably aren’t all what you’d expect!). It’s not until you can master ALL four pieces that you’ll be able to start signing dream, high-ticket clients with ease and flow.
The FOUR pillars to signing 4k + clients:
Money Mindset - It is so important that you heal blocks you have around money before you set out to sign a high-ticket client. Have you fully given yourself permission to make this amount of money? Would making a big sale bring up any negative emotions for you? What low-vibe experiences have you had with money in the past that are sabotaging your efforts now? Do you truly believe that you are worth what you are charging? Answering these questions and getting to a place where you feel good about your responses is an absolute key!
Community - It is so important to make sure you’re bringing in enough fresh people each month in order to sign VIP-status clients. For most niches, this means at least 100-300 new people are coming into your community each month.
Launch Strategy - When you’re signing clients at this level it becomes really important that you’re getting in front of a lot of people each month and providing real value to them (in addition to content you send out daily or weekly to you mailing list, social media, blog, etc.) This can look many different ways, but some of the most common include challenges, webinars, mini-courses, FB/IG live trainings, etc. Essentially, you provide a lot of value to your audience for free and follow up by making an offer.
Energy - Energy is a big one (that is often totally overlooked!). If you want to become the women that is signing 4k + clients like it’s nothing, you need to become her as much as possible now. How can you step into abundance mindset and ditch the desperation vibes? How can you make decisions as though you already were signing these clients and making this money? What old stories, patterns, masks, identities, etc. to you need to release in order to do this? Get REAL with yourself - this piece is important!
Only when you’re able to master all four elements will you start to move through this process with ease and flow. How good would it feel to make this feel effortless?
If you’re serious about signing high-ticket clients, I can help you get to a place where this feels normal to you. I can show you the best strategies to run your business with more ease and the most powerful mindset shifts to make you feel totally unstoppable.
Want to work together? I have a few amazing offerings that I’ve created to give you all the support you need to step into this next level of your business (plus you can get up to $250 off my 1:1 programs right now!).
SO much becomes possible with the right support in your biz. Let’s chat about all that’s truly possible for you!
Sending so much love!
Xo Kristen